
UF_6泄漏事故后果评价研究进展 被引量:4

The Research Summary of UF_6 Leakage Accident Consequence Assessment
摘要 简要介绍了核燃料循环过程中UF6泄漏事故的几类事故情形,以及UF6泄漏后的大气扩散过程。目前,用于UF6泄漏事故后果评价的主要模型是HGSYSTEM UF6模型和RASCAL模型:一般情况下,两种模型可溶性铀的平均浓度的预测值与实际测量值相比为小于2的数;在D类稳定下RASCAL预测的结果处于高斯模型和HGSYSTEM UF6之间;而在F类稳定度下,1 km内基本上是RASCAL计算结果最低,1 km外3个模型预测结果无规律性。 This paper gathered and analyzed the scenarios for UF6 release accident, and the atmosphere diffusion of UF6 and the air concentration of UF6, HF, UO2 F2. The result showed that two models are used to simulate UF6 accidental release now, HGSYSTEM/UF6 model and RASCAL model. The former is a dense gas model, and the latter is an accident consequence assessment model. The scholar of Portugal compared the two different dispersion models. The results showed that the calculated concentration by RASCAL model is between the HGSYSTEM/UF6 model and Gaussian plume model under the D stability, but the tendency is complicated under the F stability.
作者 陈海龙
出处 《辐射防护通讯》 2013年第3期16-20,共5页 Radiation Protection Bulletin
关键词 UF6 泄漏 后果评价 HGSYSTEM UF6 模型 RASCAL模型 UF6 Leakage HGSYSTEM/UF6 model RASCAL model
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