The 2D hypersonic curved shock compression inlet has a shorter length and higher perform- ance. In order to investigate the ramp design method applying the curved shock compression between Ma = 4 and Ma = 7, the performance of the 2D hypersonic inlets with the curved shock compression and the isen- tropic compression have been investigated in comparison. 2D numerical simulation was conducted for the in- let according to the given law of constant wall pressure gradient so as to obtain flow characteristics. Numeri- cal results show that compression efficiency is high. Based on the comparison for the total pressure recovery ratio and the length of the inlets with the different initial angles, the ramp initial angle can not exceed 7~ and the length ratio of the inlet can be shortened about 10%. Compared with the curved shock inlet and the isentropic inlet, the total pressure recovery ratio of the curved shock inlet with law of constant wall pressure gradient drops about 3% -5% , but the design point of shock on lip can be dropped. In the end, three di- mensional waveride forebody with good waveride performance and 2D flow characteristics was conducted with the streamline trace, and shock wave surface was obtained near the design point.
Journal of Propulsion Technology