
VOCs污染场地挖掘过程的环境健康风险评价 被引量:4

Health-based Risk Assessment in the Excavating Process of VOCs Contaminated Site
摘要 开展了在典型污染场地修复过程中VOCs散逸浓度检测实验,并且建立了3条暴露途径对修复过程进行健康风险评价.结果表明,单污染物多途径累计非致癌指数最高的是四氯化碳,高达8.86E+01,其对综合非致癌影响贡献率为74.45%.多污染物质同一暴露途径危害指数最高的是呼吸暴露途径:1.01E+02,占综合危害指数的84.87%,非致癌综合危害指数为1.19E+02.单污染物多途径累计致癌指数最高的是1,2-二氯乙烷:3.08E-02,其对综合致癌影响贡献率为69.53%.多污染物质同一暴露途径危害指数最高的是呼吸暴露途径:3.96E-02,占综合致癌指数的89.39%,总致癌危害指数达到4.43E-02. The dissipative concentration test of VOCs in the remediation process of a typical contaminated site was operated, and three routes of exposure were set up for health risk assessment in the repair process. Analysis showed that carbon tetrachloride was the single pollutant with highest multi-route cumulative non-carcinogenic index, which was as high as 8.86E + 01, and its contribution rate to the integrated non-carcinogenic effects was 74.45%. Respiratory exposure was the exposure route with highest multi-pollutant hazard index, which was 1.01E + 02, accounting for 84.87% of the comprehensive risk index, and the index of integrated non-carcinogenic damage was 1. 19E + 02. 1,2-dichloroethane was the single pollutant with highest multi-route cumulative carcinogenic index, which was as high as 3.08E - 02, and its contribution rate to the integrated carcinogenic effects was 69.53%. Respiratory exposure was the exposure route with highest multi-pollutant hazard index, which was 3.96E -02, accounting for 89.39% of the comprehensive risk index, and the index of integrated carcinogenic damage was 4.43E -02.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期4612-4618,共7页 Environmental Science
基金 环境保护公益性行业科研专项(201109017) 中国矿业大学(北京)大学生创新创业训练计划项目(Y20131310)
关键词 VOCS 污染场地修复 健康风险评价 暴露途径 致癌风险 非致癌风险 VOCs remediation of contaminated sites health risk assessment exposure pathways carcinogenic risk non-carcinogenicrisk
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