目的建立60Coγ射线照射诱发SD大鼠辐射损伤模型,移植异体脂肪间充质干细胞(ADSCs),探讨ADSCs对辐射损伤大鼠的防护效果。方法SPF级雄性SD大鼠75只,随机分为对照组、4 Gy单纯照射组、7 Gy单纯照射组、4Gy ADSCs植入组、7 Gy ADSCs植入组,每组15只。大鼠经60Co治疗机一次性4 Gy、7 Gy剂量全身照射后,ADSCs植入组尾静脉注射ADSCs,注射体积为10 mL/Kg体重,对照组和单纯照射组注射等体积的无菌生理盐水。于照射后0、2、4、9、16、29天分别对五组大鼠进行血液学检查,照射后5、16、34天分别对五组大鼠进行血液生化学检查。结果外周血象结果显示,在照射后的极期和恢复期,ADSCs植入组的白细胞均高于单纯照射组;在恢复期,ADSCs植入组的红细胞和血红蛋白高于单纯照射组,未见急、慢性毒性反应和移植物抗宿主病的发生。说明ADSCs的植入能提高辐射损伤大鼠机体的抗感染能力,加强机体防御适应机能,有促进辐射损伤后造血系统恢复的作用。
This study is to explore the protective effect of allogeneic adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs ) in radiation-injured rats which were induced by 60 Co gamma rays irradiation .After total body irradi-ation dose of 4 Gy and 7 Gy ,transplanted ADSCs to ADSCs implantion groups ,control group and irradiation group injected with saline ,with the injection volume 10 mL/kg body weight .0 ,2 ,4 ,9 ,16 ,29 days after ir-radiation were performed on five rats blood tests ,5 ,16 ,34 days after irradiation were performed on five rats blood biochemical tests . Peripheral blood displayed that the leukocyte cell of ADSCs implantion group were higher than the irradiated control group ,no acute or chronic toxicity and GVHD performance in the convales-cent after irradiation , indicating that ADSCs implantion help improve the body resistance to infection and strengthen the body’s defenses adaptation function ;red blood cells and hemoglobin of implantion group were higher than the irradiated control group during the recovery period described ADSCs promote hematopoietic sys-tem recovery after radiation damage .
Radiation Protection Bulletin
vRadiation damage
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs)
Stem cell transplantation