目的制定中药救必应中总苷类物质的提取工艺。方法以高效液相色谱法测定的长梗冬青苷、紫丁香苷提取得率为指标,以L9(3)4正交设计进行提取工艺中多项参数的优化,采用优化的参数进行实验室提取,通过对提取物成分分析判断该工艺的可行性。结果救必应中总苷类物质最佳提取工艺为:每次用12倍量的50%乙醇为溶剂,加热回流90 min,提取3次。总苷类提取物的得率为19.5%,其中含长梗冬青苷(292 mg/g)、紫丁香苷(59.5 mg/g)、芥子醛葡萄糖苷、丁香树脂醇4’-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷、丁香树脂醇4’,4’’-二-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷等苷类化合物。结论采用优化的实验室工艺进行提取,提取物中含有多个苷类物质。对提取物的分析表明该提取工艺切实可行。
Objective To investigate an optimum extracting technology for total glycosides from dried barks of Ilex rotunda Thunb. Methods The yields of pedunculoside and syringin by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) determination were taken as the indexes. Some parameters of the extraction technology were evaluated with an L9(3)4 orthogonal design. The optimum extraction parameters were used to extract total glycosides in laboratory. The feasibility was checked by determining the chemical constituents by means of HPLC method. Results The optimum extracting conditions were 12 times volumes of 50% ethanol as the solvent and refluxing 90 rain each time for 3 times. An extract yield of total glycosides was 19.5% from barks of llex rotunda. Peduncuioside (292 mg/g), syringin (59.5 mg/g), sinapaldehyde glucoside, syringaresinol4′-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, and syringaresinol 4′,4″-O-β-D-glucopyranoside were detected in the extract. Conclusion Some glycosides were found in the extract with the optimum extraction technology in laboratory. The extraction technology is practicable and valid.
Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine