
当前欧盟文化外交战略构想及其对中欧关系的政策含义 被引量:4

EU Cultural Diplomacy:Strategic Pursuits and Policy Implications towards EU-China Relations
摘要 欧盟近年来随着全球化的发展,日益重视文化政策的制定和文化外交的开展。它把文化因素视为欧洲一体化的催化剂,并将文化间对话与文化合作看作展现欧洲价值观和提升欧洲软实力的重要政策手段。本文将重点基于对《欧洲文化议程》及其《执行报告》的分析,并结合分析此后欧盟层面所采取的一系列行动措施,试图概括和总结欧盟当前文化外交的政策内涵及其主要特点,并就其对中欧文化交流与合作的政策含义作简要思考。 With the development of globalization, EU currently has attacnea more a.u ~ importance to the forming of its culture policy and the pursuit of its cultural diplomacy. Culture is reagraded as a catalyst for the European integration, and intercultural dialogue and cultural coop- eration are considered as essential instruments for projecting European values and promoting Eu- ropean soft power. This article mainly focuses on the analysis of "A European Agenda for Culture in a globalizing World" and "on the implementation of the European Agenda for Culture", issued by European Commission, and combing the discussion of those following steps and measures at EU levels, trying to clarify and summarize the policy implications and major features of the cur- rent EU cultural diplomacy, and refelecting on the policy implications for the EU-China cultural contact and cooperation.
作者 房乐宪
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期47-55,共9页 Teaching and Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中国人民大学欧洲问题研究中心基金资助项目"全球化背景下中欧关系的发展态势与挑战"(项目号:12JJD810006)的阶段性成果
关键词 欧盟文化外交 文化政策 中欧关系 EU cultural diplomacy cuture policy EU-China relations
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