
水解牛乳酪蛋白的抗原性研究 被引量:4

Antigenicity of the enzyme hydrolyzed casein from cow milk
摘要 采用间接竞争抑制Elisa法测定水解酪蛋白中的残留抗原性,从而间接测定其致敏性。选择7种蛋白酶在各自适宜条件下酶解酪蛋白,观察酪蛋白抗原性随酶解过程的变化情况,并讨论了水解酪蛋白的抗原性随分子质量的变化以及深度水解酪蛋白与适度水解酪蛋白的抗原性。结果表明,不同蛋白酶对酪蛋白的抗原性影响不同,这可能是由于不同的蛋白酶具有不同特异性,其中,中性蛋白酶降低酪蛋白抗原性的效果最佳,抗原抑制率为20.91%;水解酪蛋白的分子质量越小,其残留抗原性越小,当其分子质量小于3 000Da时,抗原抑制率仅为6.61%;深度水解酪蛋白的抗原性较适度水解酪蛋白低,这主要是由于水解度及分子质量的不同。 The residual antigenicity of hydrolyzed proteins was estimated by indirect competitive ELISA,which indirectly reflected the reduction in sensitization of casein proteins. Commercial casein was hydrolyzed with 7 common proteases in their optimal condition,and the effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on the antigenicity was investigated. Furthermore,the trend of the antigenicity of casein hydrolysates along with the molecular weight change was discussed,as well as the antigenicity of extensive hydrolysis casein and partial hydrolysis casein. Results showed that different proteases had different effects on casein protein allergens and enzyme specificity determined the residual antigenicity of the casein proteins. Neutrase was observed to be the most effective protease. The inhibition rate of its hydrolysate against anti-casein was 20. 91%. In addition,the residual antigenicity is proportional to the molecular weight of the hydrolysates. The inhibition rate against anti-casein was only 6. 61% when the molecular weight of hydrolyzed casein was below 3000 Dalton. Owing to the different degree of hydrolysis and molecular weight distribution,extensive and partial hydrolysis casein had different antigen inhibition.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期1-5,共5页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2013AA102205-02) 国家十二五科技支撑项目(2012BAD33B04-02) 北京市科委科技创新基地培育与发展工程项目(Z121106002812040) 科技北京百名领军人才培养工程项目(Z131110000513026)
关键词 酪蛋白 抗原性 酶解 分子质量 深度水解 适度水解 casein protein antigenicity enzymatic hydrolysis molecular weight extensive hydrolysis partial hydrolysis
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