Mind extension arguments eventually deal with the realization of mental properties: specifically, how and where these properties are realized (possessed). Clark and Chalmers appeal to the superior explanatory power of their explanations may be making an abductive move, viz., inference to the best explanation. They claimed that externalisms are first and foremost theses about explanation--not metaphysics. Wilson, while clearly not moved by Causal/Constitutive Error concerns, suggests that C&C confuse issues of realization and constitution with issues of ownership of properties. Resist- ing the conflation of issues concerning ownership with those concerning realization, Wilson claims, will make it clear that there is no motivation to at- tribute mental properties to wide bearers. To articulate Wilson's assertion I need to review his account of realization and see exactly why he thinks it gives us grounds to resist attributing mental properties to wide subjects. I think that Wilson does not provide an account of what it is for a mental property to belong to an entity. Instead, Wilson only describes what characteristics an entity must demonstrate in order to have mentai properties at- tributed to it--this was the lesson of his discussion about system realism. However, determining whether or not minds actually extend requires that I have an account of what it is for an entity to own a mental property.
Studies in Dialectics of Nature
extended cognition
extended mind
activity extemalism