
薪酬公平感、人格特质对公务员越轨行为的影响 被引量:8

The Influence of Pay Fairness and Personality Trait on Civil Servants' Deviant Behavior
摘要 以公务员为研究对象,探讨了薪酬公平感、人格特质对越轨行为的影响。采用实证研究的方法,通过对737个样本数据进行回归分析,发现三类薪酬公平感对工作怠情、损人利己、渎职滥权、贪墨侵占、合作破坏这五种越轨行为具有显著负向影响。结果还发现,宜人性对分配公平影响四种越轨行为的调节作用显著,责任感对分配公平影响所有越轨行为的调节作用均显著,神经质仅在分配公平影响合作破坏行为过程中起到调节作用。 Research objects that are civil servants are selected ,the influence of pay fairness ,personality trait on deviant behavior is discussed. Then, using empirical study methods, regression analysis for data collecting from 737 samples are made, the findings are three kinds of pay fairness have significant negative impacts on the work inaction, beggar-thy-neigh- bour, malfeasance and power-abuse, embezzlement and purpresture, cooperation destructive behavior. Finally, another con- clusion is got that is agreeableness has the significant moderate effect on the relationship between distributive justice and kinds of deviant behavior, conscientiousness has the significant moderate effect on the relationship between distributive justice and each dimension of deviant behavior, neuroticism only mediates the relationship between distributive justice and cooperation destructive behavior.
作者 韩锐 李景平
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期91-99,共9页 Research on Economics and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"公务员薪酬对其廉洁行为影响机制研究"(11BZZ055) 国家社会科学基金青年项目"国家公务人员廉政建设研究"(12CZZ023) 中国纪检监察学院科研基金项目"把权力关进制度的笼子里的惩成机制 防范机制和保障机制研究"(2013B-05)
关键词 薪酬公平感 人格特质 越轨行为 Pay Fairness Personality Trait Deviant Behavior
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