
CALIS文献传递现状研究及建议——以天津师范大学图书馆为例 被引量:4

Research Suggestions of Document Delivery Practice——Taking Tianjin Normal University Library as an Example
摘要 天津师范大学图书馆通过CALIS所传递的文献已成为资源建设的重要补充部分。在使用过程中,笔者对CALIS文献传递请求情况进行了统计分析,发现该系统仍存在一些问题,建议增加系统删除账户的功能,完善CALIS外文期刊网,改善软硬件技术,探索中介与非中介传递模式相结合的方式。 CALIS document delivery has become an important complementary part of the resources construction in Tianjin Normal University Librar- y. It have carried some statistical analysis of CALIS document delivery. It finds that there are still some problems existed in the system. The system should add some functions that could delete the accounts and check duplicates, improve the western journals network of CALIS, improve the hardware and software technology, explore the combination of mediated and non-mediated mode.
作者 彭立伟
出处 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期67-69,共3页 Library Work and Study
关键词 CALIS 文献传递 统计 CALIS Document delivery Statistics
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