目的 探讨人胰弹力蛋白酶Ⅰ (Humanpancreaticelastase 1 ,HPE1 )放射免疫测定 (Radioimmunoassay ,RIA)和核糖核酸酶(Ribonuclease ,RNase)活性检测的临床价值。方法 参照Satake等建立的改良HPE1RIA和Thomas等的改良酸溶性产物法检测 82例正常成年人和 2 2 2例各类患者血清并分析结果。结果 82例健康成人HPE1值为 2 3.8( 3.4ng L) ,RNase活性为 5 7.0 3( 1 2 .1 6 μ ml) ;急性胰腺炎和胰腺癌HPE1 值明显高于其他疾病 (P <0 .0 1 )。联合检测HPE1 、RNase活性可提高胰腺癌的检出率 ( 92 .47% )。结论 HPE1 RIA对急性胰腺炎有诊断价值 ,联合检测HPE1 。
Objective To explore the clinical value of serum human pancreatic elastase 1 (HPE 1) level and ribonuclease (RNase) activity in patients with pancreatic diseases. Methods A total of 222 patients were subjected in the study, including 23 of acute pancreatitis, 12 of chronic pancreatitis, 93 of pancreartic cancer, 24 of metastatic cancer of pancreas, 50 of other cancer and 20 of peptic ulcer. Eighty two healthy individuals were served as control. Serum HPE 1 level was determind by Satake's modified RIA and RNase activity by Thomas' modified method. Results The serum contents of HPE 1 and Rnase were 23.8(3.4 ng/L and 57.03(12.16 μ/ml respectively in 82 normal persons. Serum level of HPE 1 was much higher in patients with acute pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer than in others diseases ( P <0.01). Combined detection of serum HPE 1 level and Rnase activity increased the positive rate to 92.47% in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Conclusion HPE 1RIA has the value for diagnosing acute pancreatitis, and the combined determination of serum HPE 1 level and RNase activity is valuable in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Journal of Third Military Medical University