目的研究碘缺乏与甲状腺功能低下对子代大鼠海马 NO水平及 NOS活性的影响 ,探讨在学习记忆低下中可能的作用。方法以病区低碘粮食加去离子水复制碘缺乏、甲低动物模型。以硝酸还原酶法测定子代大鼠海马 NO含量及 NOS活性。结果碘缺乏组子代大鼠尿碘及血清 T3、T4含量明显降低 ,学习记忆力低下 ,海马组织内 NO含量及 NOS活性明显降低 [NO含量 (2 .36± 1.18) μmol/g Pr;NOS活性 (3.72± 1.5 6 ) U/m g Pr]。结论碘缺乏、甲状腺功能低下可导致子代大鼠海马 NO水平及 NOS活性明显降低 ,提示海马内 NO水平降低可能也是导致低碘动物学习记忆力低下的机制之一。
Objective This experiment was designed to study Nitric oxide (NO) and Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) acitvity in hippocampus of rats suffered iodine deficiency (ID) and hypothyroidism.Methods Using foods from ioidne deficiency area to make animal model.Results Urine iodine and serum T 3,T 4 were significantly decreased and learning memory was impaired in ID rats.NO and NOS were significantly lower in ID group than that in control [NO:(2.36±1.18)μmol/g Pr while NOS activity (3.72±1.56)U/mg Pr].Conclusions Iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism could affect NO level and NOS activity in hippocampus of rats since their fetus period.These changes of NO and NOS may be involved in the mechanism of learning memory impair of ID rats.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
国家自然科学基金资助项目!( C0 3 0 10 8)