采用3种不同外源激素(NAA、IBA和NAA+IBA)、设定3个浓度梯度(500 mg/L、1 000 mg/L、1 500 mg/L)、基质比例(蛭石∶珍珠岩为1∶1、2∶1、4∶1)、激素处理时间(15 s、30 s、60 s),并利用3因素3水平的正交试验方法对红皮糙果茶进行扦插生根试验。结果表明,红皮糙果茶属于综合生根类型;蛭石和珍珠岩为1∶1比例的基质扦插的各种处理插穗在愈伤组织生成期、不定根出现期均明显要早于其他比例;总体来看,IBA生根剂处理效果较其他两种要好,利用综合评分法优化出红皮糙果油茶扦插的最佳方案是IBA浓度为1 500 mg/L、处理30 s、选取蛭石和珍珠岩基质配比为1∶1。
The orthogonal experimental design with three factors and three levels were carried out to do the cutting trial on Camellia crapnelliana. The results show that Camellia crapnelliana falls into a synthetically-rooted type of plant. In matrix with the ratio of pelhamite to perlite plaster is 1:1, the generations of callus and adventitious root are both earlier than other treatments (matrix ratios). Generally, the treatment effect of IBA rooting powder is better than the other two kinds of powders. The better scheme selected by using comprehensive scoring method is:normality of IBA is 1 500 mg/L with treatment time of 30 seconds, and with pelhamite and perlite plaster (1:1) as matrix.
Chinese Horticulture Abstracts