The tellurium-based glasses TeO2, 85TeOz-15WO3, 85TeO2-10WO3-5Sm203, 77TeO2-20WO3-3Y203, 77TeO2-20WO3-3La203, 65TeO2-33WO3-2Er203 and 49TeO2-29.4WO3-19.6PbO-2Er203 have been prepared by melt quenching technique. Density and molar volume have been measured for the present glasses. Optical absorption studies are carried out on the glass system in the wavelength range of 200-900 nm. The compositions depend on different physical parameters such as density, molar volume and oxygen packing density will be discussed. Also, molar refraction (RM), calculated refractive index (n), metallization criterion (M), electronic polarizability of the oxide ion (to2"(Eopt) and optical basicity A^opt have been determined.