
Collimated LaBr_3 detector response function in radioactivity analysis of nuclear waste drums 被引量:1

Collimated LaBr_3 detector response function in radioactivity analysis of nuclear waste drums
摘要 The properties of a Lanthanum bromide(LaBr3)detector and its response functions were investigated via experiments and simulations in this paper.The LaBr3detector had good relative energy resolution and higher efficiency than a high-purity germanium detector.Monte Carlo and other numerical methods were used to calculate the efficiencies of a LaBr3detector with a square collimation window.A model of the numerical method was established based on a pure geometric model that was consistent with the experimental situation.The results showed that the detector response functions calculated by these methods were in great agreement with experimental results. The properties of a Lanthanum bromide (LaBr3) detector and its response functions were investigated via experiments and simulations in this paper. The LaBr3 detector had good relative energy resolution and higher efficiency than a high-purity germanium detector. Monte Carlo and other numerical methods were used to calculate the efficiencies of a LaBr3 detector with a square collimation window. A model of the numerical method was established based on a pure geometric model that was consistent with the experimental situation. The results showed that the detector response functions calculated by these methods were in great agreement with experimental results.
出处 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期23-28,共6页 核技术(英文)
基金 Supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(No.20120073130009) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11175118) Research and innovation project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission(No.12ZZ022)
关键词 LaBr3 响应函数 放射性分析 准直 探测器 检测器具 料桶 数值方法 Nuclear waste, LaBr3 detector, Detector response, Gamma Scanning, Energy resolution
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