2013年11月大气环流主要特征是:北半球极涡呈单极型分布,主体位于北极圈内,强度较常年同期偏强;欧亚中高纬环流经向度较小;南支槽平均位置大致位于80°E附近,同时,副热带高压较常年同期偏强,位置偏西、偏北。11月,全国平均降水量为22.5 mm,较常年同期(18.8 mm)偏多19.7%。全国平均气温为3.6℃,较常年同期(2.9℃)偏高0.7℃。月内,我国出现3次冷空气过程和6次较强降水过程。东北地区出现了两次强降雪过程,部分地区出现暴雪到大暴雪;台风海燕给华南地区带来较大风雨影响;北方冬麦区及江南大部出现明显降水,干旱缓解;由于冷空气势力弱,中东部地区雾疆天气频发,全国平均雾霾日数为4.3天,为1961年以来历史同期最多。
The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in November 2013 are as follows. There is one polar vortex center located in the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere with stronger strength than normal years. The circulation presents latitudinal patterns in middle and high latitudes. The average south branch trough is located around 80~E. The subtropical high is stronger than normal years, located more westward and northward. The monthly mean precipitation is 22.5 ram, 19.70//oo more than the normal (18.8 ram). The monthly mean temperature is 3. 6~C, 0. 7~C higher than the normal (2. 9~C). There are three cold air processes and six heavier rainfall processes during this month. The Northeast Re- gion suffers from extreme snows twice and some places are hit by snowstorm or blizzards. Tropical cyclone "Haiyan" brings gale and heavy rains to South China. There are obvious rainfalls in the northern winter wheat region and the Jiangnan Region. Meanwhile, the fog and the haze appear in the central and eastern China due to the weak cold airs. The monthly mean fog and haze days are 4.3 days, which is the maximum record since 1961.
Meteorological Monthly
atmospheric circulation, rain (snow) storm, cold air, fog and haze