This article analyzes the data from air quality automation monitoring system in Bai Longgang and water soluble ions in PM2 .5 by manual samplingin 2013 .The results indicate that smogappears frequently in Yichang City ,and PM2 .5 is its primary pollutants ;the smog frequency and PM 2 .5 value in winter are maxi-mum ,while in summer are minimum ;PM2 .5 ,PM10 ,SO2 and NO2 have the same variation trend ;if total pol-lutant emissions are unchanged ,smog can not beeliminated by short rains ;NO3 - and SO42 -are the main water soluble ions ,both of which concentration in smog daysare higher than in non -smog days ,and inindus-trial zoneare higher than in commercial district ;NO3 -/SO42 -in smog days is also higher in non -smog days ;the off gases of motor vehicles have important influences on the smog formation .
Journal of Green Science and Technology