为了掌握保定市平原区地下水水质现状和变化趋势,对保定市整个平原区浅层和深层地下水进行了采样和分析,评价指标共20项,包括总硬度、溶解性总固体和pH等8项常规指标,"三氮"指标,六价铬等9项重金属指标。依据《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)研究了保定市平原区地下水组分的超标情况,并根据地下水质量标准(GB/T 14848-93)采用内梅罗指数法进行了综合评价。研究结果表明,保定市平原区地下水水质总体相对较好,但浅层地下水除了汞、镉、六价铬、铜和锌5项指标未超标,其他指标均有超标现象,深层地下水中六价铬、pH值、锰、碘化物、氟化物超标。深层地下水水质仍然优于浅层地下水,但是六价铬超标问题值得注意。保定平原区地下水水质受天然因素和人为因素共同影响,地下水水质改善应注意天然因素的特殊作用。
To understand the current situation and evolution characteristics of underground water quality in Baoding Plain, samples of shallow and deep groundwater were collected and tested, with 20 evaluation factors including 8 conventional items such as hardness, mineralization, pH, items of nitrogen and 9 heavy metals such as Cr. According to Sanitary Standard for Drinking Water Quality of GB 5749-2006, whether or not the groundwater quality is over-standard has been discussed, and Nemerow index method was used to assess the overall quality of groundwater based on Standard of Underground Water Quality of GB/T 14848-93. Results showed that groundwater quality of Baoding Plain was relatively good, but the items of shallow groundwater was over the standard except only 5 items such as Hg, Cd, Cr^6+, Cu and Zn not over-standard, and Cr^6+, pH, Mn, iodide and fluoride in deep groundwater were over-standard. Deep groundwater quality was better than that of shal-low groundwater, but chromium was a point that need pay more attentions. The combined effects of natural factors and an-thropogenic factors cause the deterioration of groundwater quality, and natural factors play important part in improving groundwater quality.
Environmental Science & Technology