HD Radio标准中使用的"带内同频(IBOC)"技术在现有FM模拟广播的同频带内实现数字广播,无需打破现有的频率规划,是调频模拟广播数字化的最佳选择。然而模拟信号和数字信号同时通过混合天线发射时产生的耦合损耗非常大,降低数字信号的峰均比是减小损耗的有力措施。在降低峰均比的所有方案中,预留子载波法由于不引起信号的失真而受到广泛的关注,而预留子载波法的核心即是预留子载波位置的选取。基于HD Radio系统提出一种基于度量的预留子载波位置的选取方法,该方法通过一个度量值来衡量每个子载波对时域大幅度采样值的贡献,并选取具有最大的正度量值的子载波作为预留子载波。仿真结果表明,当使用30个预留子载波时,在概率为10-3时,提出的方案至少能带来0.79 dB的PAPR增益。
HD Radio standard is the best choice for FM analog broadcasting digitalization, for its realizing digital broadcasting with in-band on-channel ( IBOC) technology in the same band of current FM analog broadcasting. However, the simultaneous sending of analog signal and digital signal by the antenna would bring large coupling loss, and to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio ( PAPR ) of the digital signal would become the main means to decrease the coupling loss. Among all schemes to reduce PAPR, tone res-ervation ( TR) scheme receives widespread concern for its not disturbing the data signal, while the core of TR method is the selection of reserved subcarriers. In this paper, a novel scheme based on metric value for reserved subcarriers is proposed. The scheme employs a metric to measure how much each subcarrier con-tributes to the large samples and then the subcarriers with the largest metrics are selected as reserved sub-carriers. The simulation results indicate that when 30 reserved subcarriers are selected, the PAPR gain of the proposed method could reach 0 . 79 dB at least at the probability of 10-3 .
Communications Technology