目的:调查西藏山南地区藏族高中毕业生口腔健康状况,了解学生口腔医疗需求情况。方法:以WHO口腔健康调查基本方法为标准,对西藏山南地区高中毕业生进行口腔健康调查,将口腔医疗需求情况分为四类,利用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析。结果:完成1907名学生的口腔健康调查,共有53.33%的人需要定期进行口腔医疗,41.48%的人需要及早口腔医疗,有2.52%的人需要口腔医疗急诊,仅有28.37%的人不需要口腔医疗。近1年内曾经到医院(或诊所)看过牙齿者仅有65人(3.41%)。结论:西藏藏族高中毕业生人群的口腔医疗需求十分普遍,应该重视该地区人群口腔健康问题,加强口腔疾病预防控制工作,改善当地的口腔医疗条件。
Objective:To investigate oral health status and the need of oral treatment among graduating senior high school students of Zang nationality in Shannan prefecture of Tibet. Method: Based on WHO methodology of oral health sur- vey, Nineteen hundred and seven students have their oral health condition checked and the need of oral treatment was also investigated. According to medical evacuation support, the need of oral treatment was classified into four degrees. The results were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software package. Result: It showed that 53.33 % needed regular oral treatment, 41.48 % need- ed early oral treatment, and 2.52 % needed urgent oral treatment, and only 28.37 % of students didn't need any oral treat- ment. Only 65 persons (3.41%) went to see dentists in the last year. Conclusion: Students of Zang nationality in plateau ar- eas needed higher oral treatment. The suggestion on the work of oral health care should be strengthened and improved.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
Oral health survey: Need of oral treatment: Students of Zang nationality: Plateau