
江苏旅游业发展效率及对策研究——基于超效率DEA和Malmquist指数分析 被引量:23

A Study on Efficiency and Countermeasures of Tourism Development in Jiangsu Province——Analyses Based on Super-efficiency DEA and Malmquist Index
摘要 文章利用超效率DEA模型和Malmqulst指数模型分别测算了江苏13市2001-2012年旅游业发展的静态效率与动态效率。结果显示:江苏旅游业静态效率保持先降后升的态势,从2001年的0.848下降到2006年的0.611,后又上升到2012年的0.824,12年间效率均值为0.726。各市旅游业效率存在显著的地区差异,且呈现逐步扩大的趋势。江苏旅游业动态效率(TFP)年均变化值-0.6%,增长主要来源于技术进步而不是规模效率的作用。在以上研究的基础上,提出提升江苏旅游业效率的对策,为旅游业持续、高效、健康发展提供理论参考。 The paper estimates static efficiency and dynamic efficiency of tourism development in 13 cities of Jiangsu Prov-ince during the year of 2001 to 2012 respectively by applying super-efficiency DEA model and Malmqulst index model. The results show that the static efficiency of Jiangsu tourism maintains rise after first drop, from 0.848 in 2001 down to 0.611 in 2006, then up to 0.824 in 2012, the average efficiency during the period of 12 years is 0.726. There are obvious differences in tourism efficiency among different cities in Jiangsu Province, and show a gradual trend of expansion. The average annual change in dynamic efficiency of Jiangsu tourism (TFP) is-0.6%, the growth is mainly contributed to the technological prog-ress rather than scale efficiency. On the basis of the above research, the paper puts forward countermeasures to improve the efficiency of Jiangsu tourism, and provides a theoretical reference for the sustainable, high efficiency, healthy development of tourism.
作者 龚艳 郭峥嵘
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第4期7-12,17,共7页 East China Economic Management
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目(10EYB003) 2012年江苏省教育厅青蓝工程项目
关键词 旅游业效率 MALMQUIST指数 超效率DEA TFP tourism efficiency super-efficiency DEA Malmquist index TFP
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