7KH6np0Ba,yK.c0H,c .396-397 ; X0TaHCKneApeBH0cTH? c .39.
8A. F. R. Hoernle, *4A Collection of Antiquities from CentralAsia, part I'* [ =Hoemle, part I ], Journal of the Asiatic Soci-ety of Bengal LXVIII.l ( 1899 ), Extra No.l, 1899, PL XIX:55, 70 ; idem, "A Report on the British Collection of Antiq-uities from Central Asia, partll" [=Hoemle, parlll], Ibid.LXX.l (1901), ExtraNo.l, 1902, p. 49.
9G. Gropp, Archaologische Funde aus Khotan, Chinesisch-Ostturkestan. Die Trinkler-Sammlung im bersee-Museum, Bremen, Bremen 1974, S. 324.