介绍了我国传统无机非金属材料 (水泥、陶瓷、玻璃 )的现状和存在的问题 .指出了今后发展传统无机材料应走的道路 .阐述了高技术陶瓷———一种新型无机非金属材料的特点、作用及其应用领域 .论述了纳米材料的研究现状及其所取得的最新成果并对未来新材料的发展趋势作了展望 .
An introduction of present conditions of inorganic non metallic material industry(cement,ceramic,and glass)in China and the problems need to solve have been stated.It refers a direction to development and presents the characters of advanced ceranced cermics,a new material,as well as its applications,development.Nan materials are promising materials.The present researches and recent progress and the prediction of the future of new materials are discussd.
Journal of Jiaozuo Institute of Technology(Natural Science)