8Information Revolution and Global Politics, edited by WilliamJ. Drake and Ernest J. Wilson III, The MIT Press. http ://mitpress. mitedu/c atalog/browse/browse, asp? btype = 6&serid = 161. Routledge studies at New Media and Cyberculture, http://www, routledge, corn /books/series/routledge_ studies innew_media_and cybercuhu re _RSINC/.
9International Confer-enee on Information Warfare and Security, Ieee Military Communications Conference, leee International Conference on Intelli-gence and Security Informatics, International Conference on Cyberworlds.
10"Research Holds Up Well In Final 2011 Agreement," Science, 15 April 2011, http://www, sciencemag, org/content/332/ 6027/291. full.