现代科技革命对整个人类社会各个方面的影响都是巨大的。不能因科技革命而否定社会革命 ,用科技价值论取代劳动价值论 ,抹煞社会主义与资本主义的本质区别 ;同时也不能只看到科学技术的负面影响而动摇我们发展科技的决心。我们要认真学习和贯彻执行邓小平同志科学技术是第一生产力的论断 ,正确认识科学技术在社会主义建设中的作用 ,在此基础上坚持马克思主义 。
Modern scientific and technological revolution has exerted a great influence on every aspect of human society , which, however, cannot be used to deny a social revolution. We must not replace the value of labour with the value of science and technology, obliterate the essential differences between socialism and capitalism, nor should we waver in our determination to develop science and technology because of their negative sides. We ought to base our adherence to Marxism and our socialist belief on a correct understanding of role science and technology in the building of socialism.
Journal of Guizhou Educational College(Social Science Edition)