美国低产井数量庞大,其平均单井日产量仅为整体平均单井日产量的1/6,80% 的低产井生产了20% 的原油,但对美国原油产量具有重要意义,美国低产井管理经验值得借鉴。中国同样面临多井低产的挑战,低产井可分为3种类型:1低品位储量低产井;2高含水低产井;3低产不出液井。预测当中国石油天然气股份有限公司可采储量采出程度上升到90% 时,低产井井数比例将增至2/3,产量将占29%~35%,合理利用和保护低产井对于保障中国能源安全具有重要意义。中国稳定及提高单井产量的主要措施包括:重大开发试验转变开发方式提高稠油、滩海等低品位油田单井产量;老油田二次开发和注水开发专项治理工程提升高含水油田单井产量;水平井规模应用与储层改造技术突破提高低渗透油田单井产量等。
There are large-scale stripper wells in the U.S., 80% of which produce 20% of the total crude oil and the average daily production of single stripper well is only one sixth of that of overall single well. However, those wells play a significant role in U.S. crude oil production. The stripper-well management experience of the U.S. is worth learning. China is also faced with the challenges from thousands of stripper wells. These wells can be classified into 3 types: (1) low-grade reserves, (2) high water cut, and (3) low yield and no fluid. It is predicted that when the recovery percent of recoverable reserves is increased to 90% by PetroChina, stripper wells will make up two thirds of the whole, and their outputs account for 29%-35% of the total production. Reasonable use and protection of stripper wells is of great significance for guaranteeing the energy security in China. In order to achieve the stable and high production of single well, three main measures are adopted as below: (1) Development method is changed through key exploration tests to increase the production of single well of low grade reservoirs, such as heavy oil reservoirs and shallow-sea oil. (2) The special control project for water-flooding development and secondary development of mature oilfields are implemented to raise the output of a high water cut well (3) The production of single well in low permeability oilfields is increased though large-scale application of horizontal wells and a breakthrough in reservoir stimulation technologies.
Acta Petrolei Sinica
stripper wells
average daily production of single well
energy security
key exploration tests
horizotal wells