胸膜粘连术始于 2 0世纪初 ,国外于 6 0年代广泛采用 ,发展较快而多 ;国内于 80年代才采用 ,进展较慢且例数少。目前的趋势是胸内科逐渐以纤支镜替代胸腔镜 ,所用药物以四环素或滑石粉为主 ,治疗范围从气胸扩展到胸水 ,气胸从复发性扩展到难治性 ,胸水从恶性扩展到良性。外科粘连术逐渐增多 ,90年代初开展的电视胸腔镜逐步得到扩大应用。在 2 1世纪上叶 。
Pleurodesis was pioneered by Spengler in 1906. It was initially used for treating recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, and then extended to treatment of refractory pneumothorax, malignant pleural effusion and benign hydrothorax. The current trend is that the use of fibroptic bronchoscopy is getting more and more popular than that of thoracoscopy in the practice of internal medicine, and that the application of surgical symphysis and video-assisted thoracoscopy are getting more and more frequently and extensively in surgery. It is envisioned that this trend will continue in the 1 st half of 21st century.
Herald of Medicine