本文通过总结云南农业大学改革教育培养模式、招生就业制度改革实践和探索的经验 ,提出进一步深化农业教育改革 ,提高教育教学质量 ;配合国家有关政策 ,合理引导毕业生到农村基层建功立业 ;探索招生就业制度改革 ,提出畅通毕业生通向农村基层的道路等方面的看法和建设。
By means of summing up the experience on reform of educational training patten and the enrolment and employment system in Yunnan Agricutural University,propose to deepen the reform of agricultural education,and improve the quality of education and teaching.Coordinate the relative policies in China to guide the graduate to work in the grass-roots village.Explore the reform of the enrolment and employment,give some ideas and suggestions to help the graduate to go through the grass-roots village.
Higher Agricultural Education