
清华简《筮法》筮占法探微 被引量:6

On the Mantic Art on the Tsinghua University Bamboo Slips
摘要 清华简中的筮数八、五、九、四,是大衍筮法数,用大衍筮法"挂扐法"可以推演出清华简由一、六构成的卦。一、六卦参杂了筮数八、五、九、四,与战国楚地风俗习惯相关。清华简的筮法应该与《周易》大衍筮法是近亲。清华简虽然为战国简,但从其根源说,其筮法不可能是晚于《周易》的大衍筮法。清华简与之前出土的数字卦,有相似之处,保留了战国前流行的数字的特征,透过清华简可以看到数字卦数字过渡到一、六,再转化为阴阳符号是一个过程。清华简对于数字意义的解释和使用三位数字卦占,是由早期单数占过渡到三位数占,证明了早期数字卦起源于单数占和早期数字卦三位数占的存在,后世的八卦占与清华简数字占一脉相承。清华简与传世辑本和出土《归藏》关系密切,其筮具与筮法应与出土王家台秦简《归藏》一样,以蓍草为筮具的复杂筮法和以刻有数字的骰子为筮具的简化筮法并用,而在现实生活中,更多是用简化的筮法。 The numbers of 8 (八), 5 { 五) , 9 { 九), and 4 { 四 ) belong to the numbers of "Great Expansion" from which a hexa- gram made up of m { i.e, the yang line) and 六 { i.e., the fin line) appearing in the Tsinghua University bamboo slips. The style of a hexagram composed of - and 六 but mixed with 8 (八), 5 { 五) , 9 { 九) , and 4 ( 四 ) is in alignment with the customs in State Chu during the Warring States period (475-221 BCE ). The mantic art introduced in the bamboo slips collected by Tsinghua Universi- ty should have affinities with the milfoil-stalk divinatory method introduced in the Zhou Changes. Although the Tsing Hua bamboo slips date from the Warring States period, its origin would not be later than the time when the milfoil-stalk divinatory method took form. The formation of the hexagrams on the Tsinghua bamboo slips is similar to the style of the numerical hexagrams excavated before and retained the characteristics of the styles of the numbers popular before the Warring States era, by which the process of transforma- tion of a hexagzmn's constitution from numbers to ~ and ~, and finally to fin ( = - ) and yang ( B ) symbols can be seen. The in- terpretations of the numbers and the divinatory method by three numbers ( which form a trigram) in Tsinghua bamboo slips give us evi- dence about the early existence of the divinatory method by three numbers developed from earlier mantic art by one single number thus the prognosis by the trigrams in later generation was congruent with the divination by numbers in Tsinghua bamboo slips. The contents on the Tsinghua bamboo slips are closely related to the received and excavated versions of the Gu/cung ( lit., Returning to the Hid-den }. Its tools for divination and mantic art should be the same as those introduced in the Guicang unearthed at Wangjiatai of the rail- foil stalks used for complex divinations and dices inscribed with numbers applied to simplified divinations which were more frequently used in real life.
作者 林忠军
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期5-11,共7页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目:"象数易学史研究"(11AZX004)
关键词 清华简筮法 大衍筮法 数字卦占法 王家台《归藏》筮法 divinatory method in Tsinghua bamboo slips milfoil-stalk divination divination by numerical hexagram mantic art in the Guicang at Wangjiatai
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