The Anning Valley,a highly fertile stretch of land in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture,is home to a strange phenomenon,namely several hundred graves built from huge rocks,at various places in the valley.Who were the people buried here?Perhaps the ancestors of the present Yi people?From where did they inherit the custom of megalith worship?What links did they have with the other ancient peoples sharing
The Huge Stone Graves are made of megaliths, rising straight from the ground to a height of two or three meters. And with the long tails of the tumuli, their majestic forms can be spotted easily from far away. The graves also lie in fields and villages close to the river and people actually build their houses beside them. During busy seasons, farmers dry their grains on the cover stones, and during slack times the Graves make a good place for children to play on, for the old to natter about the past, and for the women to chat.