目的 探讨重症肌无力(MG)病人胸腺切除术围手术期行气管切开的适应症和相关危险因素。方法 回顾性分析我院自1980年4月至1999年8月因MG行胸腺切除术病人174例,44例于围手术期行气管切开,占总数25.3%,38例发生危象,占总数21.8%。分析了重症肌无力临床分型、病期、是否伴有胸腺瘤、术前肺功能情况和术前抗胆碱能药物用量等因素与肌无力危象之间的关系及需要行气管切开术的手术适应症。结果 MG病人病程长、服用抗胆碱能药物剂量大、临床分期为Ⅱb型以上、术前有肺功能损害及合并有胸腺瘤者,特别是伴有侵润型胸腺瘤的患者,术后发生危象较高,需气管切开的比例也相应较高。结论 重症肌无力病人胸腺切除术后发生危象,及时气管切开,人工呼吸器辅助呼吸是降低病死率的重要措施;术后立即预防性气管切开术应根据患者的病情严格掌握,不能滥用,以有利于病人恢复。
Objective To explore the risk factors and indications for perioperative tracheostomy in patients with myasthenia gravis. Methods A total of 174 patients with myasthenia gravis undergoing thymectomy were reviewed retrospectively between April 1980 and August 1999. Perioperative tracheostomy was performed on 44(25.3%) cases. Myasthenic or cholinergic crisis happened in 38 cases (21.8%). The relationship of the crisis incidence and Osserman classification, state of illness, present of thymoma, preoperative pulmoary function and the dose of anticholinergic agents given preoperatively were analyzed. At the same time the indications of perioperative tracheostomy were discussed. Results The highest incidence of myasthenic or cholinergic crisis and perioperative tracheostomy were found in cases with long history of the disease, high dose of anticholinergic agents administration, Osserman classification over stageⅡb, with infiltrated thymoma, and preoperative pulmoary function impairment. Conclusion Perioperative tracheostomy and artificial ventilation are most important approaches when myasthenic or cholinergic crisis after thymectomy appeared. But the indications for postoperative prophylactic tracheostomy and artificial ventilation must be strictly selected.
Journal of Third Military Medical University