铁芯式两极纵磁真空灭弧室是我国第一个具有自主知识产权且具有较高开断能力的真空灭弧室。对其纵向磁场进行数值分析可为进一步提高它的开断能力提供思路。对其三维静磁场的有限元分析结果表明 ,这种新型真空灭弧室可产生很强的纵向磁场 ,纵向磁场在间隙中及触头表面上分布都较为均匀。结构参数的变化对纵向磁场的影响很大 ,当触头直径增大时纵向磁场强度增加较大 ,开距增大时则迅速减小 。
The first Chinese vacuum interrupter having intellectual property rights is an iron style bipolar axial magnetic field vacuum interrupter and it has high interrupting capability. It is meaningful to analyze its axial magnetic field by numerical method because the results are helpful to make the interrupting capability higher. The static axial magnetic field of the vacuum interrupter is analyzed by finite element method. It is shown that the axial magnetic flux density produced by this kind of vacuum interrupter is very high and its distribution is nearly uniform. It is also shown that the axial magnetic field can be influenced by the structure parameters strongly. The axial magnetic flux density will increase significantly when electrode diameter increases and it will decrease quickly when gap increases. When arm width increases the flux density will decrease linearly.
Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy