
页岩气资源—环境—技术协调发展对策 被引量:5

Strategy for Harmonious Development of Shale Gas Resources, Environment and Technology
摘要 国内外对页岩气藏水力压裂技术带来的环境问题反应强烈,其中讨论的重点多关注于如何完善相应法律法规及加强管理力度,而对于资源—环境—技术的协调发展问题研究较少。无论是国内或是国外,丰富的页岩气资源促使气态能源跨越发展,环境问题不应该成为清洁能源规模应用的障碍。技术的创新与应用是资源与环境两者协调发展的关键。在全面分析页岩气资源战略地位的基础上,研究了应用水力压裂技术的各种环境问题以及相应关键技术的发展形势,客观地评价环境问题。文章认为,依托技术合理开发资源、实现资源—环境—技术三者的约束与互动是我国页岩气开发的总体思路。据此提出三点对策:借助"技术"实现"资源"的合理"绿色"开发;加强"资源"效益向"环保"和"技术"效益的投资;完善"技术体系"实现"资源开发"过程的"环境监管"。 Hydraulic fracturing technology of shale gas reservoir has triggered strong response from both inside and outside China. Discussion of this issue is more focused on how to perfect the relative laws and regulations and how to step up industrial supervision than harmonious development of resource, environment and technology. Rich shale gas resource has triggered a rapid gas energy development both at home and abroad. The environmental issue should not be regarded as an obstacle for large-scale application of clean energy. Technological creation and application hold the key to harmonious development of resources and the environment. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the strategic position of shale gas resource, this paper studies various environmental issues existing in application of hydraulic fracturing technology as well as the situation for development of relative key technologies, making an objective assessment of the environmental issues. The paper proposes that the general principle of China's shale gas development be based on application of technology for reasonable development of resources, bringing about restraints and interaction among resource, environment and technology. Therefore, it puts forth three policies --using "technology" for reasonable and "green" development of "resource", increasing investment for higher "environmental" and "technological" performance on the basis of "resource" performance, and perfecting "technological system" to impose "environmental supervision" through the process of "resource development".
作者 郭小哲
出处 《石油科技论坛》 2014年第2期36-39,共4页 PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM
基金 中国石油大学(北京)科研基金资助"页岩气藏渗吸作用机理及应用研究"(编号:KYJJ2012-02-06)
关键词 页岩气 环境 水力压裂 资源 技术 和谐 shale gas, environment, hydraulic fracturing, resource, technology, harmony
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