为了探索红外热成像测温仪在金属机械加工过程中的应用前景 ,使用焦平面热成像测温仪对金属机械加工、热处理、焊接等工艺过程以及热处理炉等大型设备的状态进行了测试。通过对相关工艺过程的现场检测 ,得到了车、刨、铣、焊接等工艺的关键加工部位的热像温度分布图像 ,验证了理论上对相关工艺状态的描述 ,为工艺研究课题的开展以及工艺参数的确定提供了可靠的检测手段。同时 ,结合热处理加热炉体的验收 ,进行了现场检测 ,发现了多处因绝热材料填充不匀造成的炉体局部温升过高 ,以及由于接触不良导致的部分电气线路及开关的局部温度过高现象 。
To explore the foreground of the applications of the Infrared Thermography on the metal cutting, the Infrared Thermography device is used to monitor and survey the manufacturing procedures, such as metal cutting, heat treat and welding, also the conditions of heat treat ovens, and the IR thermography images have been gained for the temperature distribution in cutting area for lathing, planing, milling and welding processing, validated the description in the corresponding theories and references. The Infrared Thermography is suggested for the research projects on the metal cutting and determining the processing parameters for next period. In practice, a field survey has been made on the inner/outside wall and electric parts of a large heat treat oven for its delivery trial running. As a result, some areas with partly overheats have been found, which due to the insulate materials are not filled evenly and electric cables/fuses/switches are conducted badly, the result of this field survey finally has been as an evidence for the repair plan of the oven.
Infrared and Laser Engineering