
双旋制导火箭弹运动特性分析 被引量:8

Analysis of motion characteristics for dual-spin projectile
摘要 依据双旋制导火箭弹的多体特点,在准弹体坐标系中建立了风干扰情况下的角运动模型,并对方程进行了线性化处理。采用微分方程特征根求取了双旋制导火箭弹的动稳定因子和陀螺稳定因子,并给出了稳定判据的解析式,分析了气动系数对其稳定性的影响。对比了改型前后火箭弹的陀螺稳定因子,分析了前后段转动惯量比和转速比的变化对改型弹陀螺稳定性的影响,得出了提高前后段滚转角速度比或转动惯量比可加强双旋制导火箭弹陀螺稳定性的结论。 On the basis of dual-spin rocket multi-body characteristics, influence of wind on the angular motion model was estab- lished in the quasi-body coordinates. Through linearization, the system dynamic stability factor and gyroscopic stability factor were obtained by differential equations characteristic roots. The dual-spin projectile gyroscopic stability factor was compared with the con- ventional rigid projectile results. The comparison can be viewed where the influence of the spin rates ration and the ratio of inertia moments on the ratio of the gyroscopic stability factors. Based on the research, it is concluded that the gyroscopic stability of dual- spin proiectile can be enhanced by increasing the spin rates ration or inertia moments ratio.
作者 李伟 王志刚
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期143-149,共7页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 航天技术支撑基金(1012300)
关键词 制导火箭弹 双旋弹体 陀螺稳定性 动态稳定性 guided projectile dual-spin configuration gyroscopic stability dynamic stability
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