
安倍对华“政经分离”政策浅析 被引量:4

An Analysis of Abe's Policy of "Separating Politics from Economy"
摘要 "政经分离"是战后日本对华外交的重要政策之一。现阶段的主要特征是安倍内阁对中日战略互惠关系的"政经分离",一方面矢口否认钓鱼岛存在主权争议,另一方面不断强调两国应就推进经济合作展开对话,并意图用"以包围迫谈判"的方式,在渲染"中国威胁"的同时,重拾"价值观外交",积极构筑对华的战略对冲。对此中国除继续坚持"政经不分离"的原则外,还应以"两手对两手",强调战略定力与政策弹力的相辅相成,进一步提高中国对日战略布局的能力。 The policy of "separating politics from economy" is one of key aspects of Japan's China policy in the postwar era. It is also reflected in the China policy of Abe administration. Denying the ongoing disputes over Diaoyu Islands, Abe keeps stressing that both Japan and China should promote the economic cooperation through dialogue. In fact, it is Abe's intention to force China to make concession through the encircling tactics, play up the fallacy of "China Threat" and restart the "value - oriented diplomacy" to hedge against China. Responding to it, China should adhere to the principle of "not separating politics from economy", be well prepared to react with both strategic determination and policy flexibility, and further upgrade the capabilities in implementing China' s Japan policy.
作者 蔡亮
出处 《日本学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期36-53,共18页 Japanese Studies
基金 上海市哲学社会科学青年课题"日本TPP战略的美国因素及对中日关系的影响"(编号:2012EGJ001)
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