
论旅游的本质 被引量:135

On the Essence of Tourism
摘要 旅游学界对旅游本质的认识尚未进入本质的层面。体验不是旅游的本质,它只是旅游的基本特征,且不能将旅游的旅游性与其他物的物性区分开来。这源于我们对本质是什么的认识还不够清晰。文章通过对海德格尔现象学的理解,提出了旅游的本质是"人诗意地栖居"的观点,运用现象学理论进行了详细论述,并提出了认识旅游本质的方法、路径,对当今流行的一些思潮进行了批判。 Arguments about the essence of tourism in academic circles never stops and brings forth various views. This paper holds the viewpoint that the previous discussions of the essence of tourism basically haven't achieved their goal. All the definitions of tourism only superficially involve tourism itself-to define it as social,economic or other phenomena. Hence,the essence of tourism needs to be reevaluated. In order to permit readers to comprehend what is the essence of tourism,this paper summarizes different opinions on the philosophers at different times. Western phenomenology research on essence shows that it is closer to essence itself. Moreover,this paper systemizes opinions on the essence of tourism at home and aboard and delivers comments on them,while focusing on refuting the opinion that the essence of tourism is the tourism experience. Although experience is an individual behavioral process accompanying travel. Tourist experience cannot be said to act as the tourism essence but the basic characteristics. Because the essence of things is the essential attribute which makes things become themselves,it distinguishes one from another. Being the basic feature of tourism,experience does not distinguish one form of tourism from others. Plenty of things are featured with experience, such as music, movies, love. Concisely, all the unique understandings and psychological feelings in these processes can be experience. As long as people are alive,their everyday behavior can create experience,not just from tourism. Therefore,there is an obscure understanding of essence. Since the essence of tourism is not tourist experience,what is the essence and what are the fundamental characteristics of tourism? How does tourism exist? And why does tourism exist? Based on the understanding of Heidegger's phenomenology,this paper proposes that the essence of tourism is 'man dwells poetically on this earth'and discusses the essence of tourism in detail with the theory of phenomenology. Through traveling,humans can go to the distance for living,search for themselves and find themselves. People on journeys feel the perfection of essence and make an effort to experience it. During the journey,under the sky,on the earth,humans acquire light,which further reveals the essence of tourism. Although tourism is in the form of human 's spatial movement,it is essentially about people's going the distance and realizing 'man dwells poetically on this earth'by self revelation. People,in this way,gain a meaning for their existence. At the end of this paper,three ways are suggested to realize the essence of tourism. One is philosophy,another is mathematics and the last is tourism planning. In addition,it makes brief comments on these three ways. 'Dwelling ' can be measured,modeled, and rationalized, however, 'poetic ' is just a soul feeling, perception and experience. Ultimately,tourism is an inner feeling which cannot be calculated and more invisible than logic. Therefore, it criticizes the prevalent supremacy of science technology and mathematical measurement,and is yearning for these innovations in tourism research.
作者 杨振之
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2014年第3期13-21,共9页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目"青藏高原旅游人类学研究"(13FMZ001)资助~~
关键词 本质 体验 旅游的本质 诗意地栖居 本质 体验 旅游的本质 诗意地栖居 essence experience the essence of tourism man dwells poetically on this earth
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