
青少年的学校适应问题:家庭亲密度、家庭道德情绪和责任感的作用 被引量:65

Adolescent School Maladjustment: The Role of Family Cohesion and Family-Based Moral Emotion and Responsibility
摘要 随机选取某市三所普通中小学4、6、8、10年级755名青少年为被试,使用自评和他评问卷探讨家庭亲密度、家庭道德情绪和责任感与青少年学校适应之间的关系。结果显示:(1)青少年家庭亲密度、责任感与学校适应问题存在性别差异,女生家庭亲密度和责任感高于男生,外化和学业问题少于男生;家庭亲密度、道德情绪和责任感随年龄增长呈下降趋势;(2)家庭亲密度正向预测道德情绪和责任感,直接和间接负向预测青少年学校适应问题。(3)责任感负向预测学校适应问题,并在家庭亲密度和学校适应问题之间起部分中介作用;结构方程模型各指标的拟合效果较好。家庭亲密度、责任感是学校适应问题的良好预测指标。 Research has shown that moral emotion are related to adolescents' school adjustment and problems. However, it is unclear how the family plays a role in affecting adolescent family - based moral emotion and responsibility, which in turn influence school ad- justment. This study examined age and gender differences in moral emotion and responsibility based on family moral events, and, more importantly, how family cohesion, family -based moral emotion and responsibility were related to adolescent school adjustment inclu- ding externalizing behaviors and academic problems. The participants included 755 adolescents in the 4th - , 6th - , 8th - and 10th grades from 3 schools in Shanghai. The children were asked to complete questionnaires concerning moral emotion and responsibilities based on family moral events ( adapted from Brown et al. , 2008 ). They also reported on family cohesion using the revised FES - CV ( Zou et al. , 1991 ). Teachers were asked to rate the school - related externalizing behaviors and academic problems for each participant using the teacher- child rating scale (adapted from Hightower et al. , 1986). The multivariate analysis yielded the following results. There were significant effects for age, F( 15, 2051 ) = 12.89, Wilk's λ = . 92, p 〈. 001, r/2 =. 08 ; for gender, F(5,743 ) = 5.11, Wilk's λ=. 90, p 〈. 001,7/2 =. 03 ; for Age x Gender interaction, F( 15, 2051 ) = 1.86. ,Wiik's λ =. 96 ,p 〈. 05 ,η2 =. 01. Gifts had significantly higher scores than boys on family -based responsibility and cohesion. Boys displayed more externalizing behaviors and academic difficulties than gifts. Grade 4 seemed to be an important time in adolescent development of school adjustment. Boys at grade 4 had more school problems than gifts. Regression analysis showed that family cohesion positively predicted family - based responsibility (β =. 09 ,SE = . 018 ,p 〈. 01 ) , and family - based moral emotion (β =. 10 ,SE = . 02 ,p 〈, 01 ). Family - based responsibility predicted externalizing behaviors (β = . 10 ,SE = . 041 ,p 〈. 01 ) and academic problems (β =. 08 ,SE = . 042 ,p 〈. 01 ). However, family - based moral emotion did not pre- dict school outcomes. Regression analysis and structural equation modeling also revealed that family - based responsibilities were associ- ated with family cohesion and school problems (X2 (25) = 64. 10, CFI =. 97,TLI =. 96, SRMR =. 03, RMESA =. 05). Family cohesion had positive direct and indirect effects on school problems. In addition, family -based responsibilities partially mediated the effects of family cohesion on school problems; These results help us understand the role of the Chinese family in the development of family cohesion, family - based moral emo- tion, responsibility, and school adjustment The study also has implications for family - based prevention and intervention
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期617-624,共8页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(12BSH056) 教育部人文社科规划基金一般项目(08JAXLX012) 上海师范大学校级重点学科项目的资助
关键词 学校适应问题 家庭亲密度 家庭道德情绪家庭责任感 青少年 school maladjustment, family cohesion, family -based moral emotion, family -based responsibility, Chinese adolescents
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