
美国音乐版权制度转型经验的梳解与借鉴 被引量:40

Evolution of Music Copyright System in the U.S.
摘要 美国的音乐版权产业较为发达,其音乐版权制度也创设较早,两个世纪以来,该制度的不断完善因应了传播技术的发展,亦对音乐版权产业形态的变迁起到重要的促进作用。考察美国音乐版权制度的发展史,其主体模式的变迁对音乐版权的内容和许可产生了一定影响,立法也基于此对权利配置与许可模式予以调整与固化,实现了美国音乐版权立法的功能,但同时也诱致产生某种程度的制度失灵。在我国的著作权立法领域,由于我国长期以来片面关注规则的简单移植,而忽略对制度价值和经验的比较法考察,尤其是我国现阶段主要是由政府主导音乐著作权立法,这种简单的规则借鉴加之政府主导,导致现阶段的立法存在一定问题。因此,客观、有效地分析美国音乐版权制度的发展,能够为我国独立应对Web 2.0时代音乐产业所面临的新问题提供一定经验借鉴。 This article, by analyzing the in the U. S. , tries to summarize the experience o the development of new dissemination technologie as the impact of the change of business mode of music copyright in the past two essential causes of the development of th ical advantages and disadvantages of the history of transition of music copyright system f U. S. music copyright system in coping with s and the change of industrial pattern as well mode in musical industry on the content and licensing centuries. On the one hand, it tries to understand the e U. S. music copyright system by examining the histor mechanism of institutional reform driven by subjects ofthe musical industry; on the other hand, it explores the key factors in the realization of the func tions of the U.S. music copyright system and the root causes for its institutional failures. The conclusions drawn from the above analysis can not only provide China with historical reference on how to solve the problems caused by governmentdriven law making in the field of music copyright, but also help China to overcome the problem of overemphasizing the transplantation of rules and ignoring the institutional value and experience in comparative law research, thus providing it with theoretical support in dealing with the new problems brought about by Web 2.0 in music market.
作者 熊琦
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期142-160,共19页 Global Law Review
基金 作者主持之国家社科基金项目"产业利益博弈与著作权集体管理制度变革研究"(13CFX91)的阶段性成果
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  • 1《著作权法》第40条.
  • 2A1 Kohn & Bob Kohn, Kohn on Music Lkensing (4th ed. ),New York: Wolters Kluwer (2010),pp. 5 -6.
  • 3Paul Goldstein, Copyright * s Highway : From Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox ( Revised Edition),California :StanfordUniversity Press (2003),p. 52.
  • 4Wkite-Smith Music Publishing Co. v. Apollo Co. , 209 U. S. 1 (1908).
  • 5Paul Goldstein, Copyright * s Highway : From Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox ( Revised Edition),California:StanfordUniversity Press (2003),p. 54.
  • 6Herbert v. Shanley, 242 U. S. 591 ( 1917 ).
  • 7Af. Witmark& Sons v. L. Bamberger & Co. , 291 F. 776 ( D. N.J. 1923 ).
  • 8A1 Kohn & Bob Kohn, Kohn on Music Licensing (4th ed. ) , New York : Wolters Kluwer (2010),pp. 10 - 11.
  • 9United States v. ASCAP, Equity Bd. 78 - 388 (S. D. N. Y. 1934).
  • 10United States v. ASCAP,1940 - 1943 Trade Cas. 56, 104 (S. D. N. Y. 1941 ).










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