
2011年江西省碘缺乏病病情监测结果分析 被引量:3

An analysis of surveillance data of iodine deficiency disorders in Jiangxi Province in 2011
摘要 目的分析江西省碘缺乏病病情监测结果。方法2011年,按人口比例概率抽样方法(PPS)在江西省抽取30个县(市、区),每个县(市、区)抽取1所小学,每所小学采用超声法检查40名8~10岁学生甲状腺容积。同时对其家中食盐进行盐碘全定量分析;在上述每所小学抽取12名8~10岁学生,采集尿样,并在学校周边的3个乡(镇)分别采集孕妇和哺乳妇女尿样各15份,采用砷铈催化分光光度法检测尿碘;对检测尿样的学生家庭采用3日称量法进行人均日盐摄入量调查;在每所学校所在村,采集饮用水水样,进行水碘检测。结果全省8~10岁学生甲状腺肿大率为1.25%(15/1200);盐碘中位数为30.80mg/kg,居民合格碘盐食用率为96.92%;学生、孕妇和哺乳妇女尿碘中位数分别为308.73、206.95、206.75μg/L,其中学生尿碘≥300μg/L的占52.25%(186/356),而孕妇尿碘〈150μg/L的占34.81%(157/451);共检测水样117份,水碘中位数为4.62μg/L;全省人均日盐摄入量为13.20g。结论江西省人群碘缺乏状况已得到显著改善,根据监测结果,有必要对江西省食盐加碘浓度标准进行适当调整。 Objective To analyze the monitoring data of iodine deficiency disorders in Jiangxi Province and to provide a basis for adjusting iodized salt concentration. Methods Thirty primary schools were selected in 30 counties and 40 pupils' goiters were examined with B ultrasound in every school. At the same time, salt iodine level was tested at their home. Twelve pupils urinary iodine in selected schools, 15 pregnant urinary samples, 15 lactating women urinary samples in 3 towns around the schools and water samples in the counties with the schools were collected. Results The goiter rate of children aged 8 to 10 was 1.25% (15/1 200); the median salt iodine was 30.80 mg/kg and the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 96.92% ; the median urinary iodine level of children, pregnant and lactating women was 308.73, 206.95 and 206.75 μg/L, respectively. The proportion of urinary iodine level of children above 300 μg/L was 52.25% (186/356), while the proportion of urinary iodine level of pregnant women below 150 tLg/L was 34.81%(157/451). The water iodine median was 4.62 μg/L and the per capita daily salt intake was 13.20 g in Jiangxi Province. Conclusions The status of iodine deficiency in Jiangxi has been significantly improved. According to the monitoring results, it's necessary to adjust salt iodization standards appropriately.
出处 《中华地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期304-306,共3页 Chinese Journal of Endemiology
基金 中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病防治项目(2011)
关键词 缺乏症 结果评价 Iodine Deficiency disease Outcome assessment
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