
脑老化相关神经变性疾病临床和病理进展 被引量:4

Advance in clinical and pathological aspects of brain aging-related neurodegenerative diseases
摘要 与脑老化相关的主要神经变性疾病包括阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病。随着人口老龄化趋势进一步发展,它们已成为危害我国老年人健康的重大疾病。尽管,目前脑老化机制及相关神经变性疾病的发病原因尚不清楚,但脑老化及相关神经变性疾病的脑组织蛋白质变性、异常聚集的研究,轻度认知功能障碍、痴呆和慢性进行性运动障碍疾病临床前期或者早期的功能神经影像及生物学标志物研究已成为老年神经疾病领域的主要聚焦点之一。 Brain aging-related neurological diseases including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease have become one of the major diseases endangering health of older people in our country. Although the mechanism of brain aging and pathogenesis of its related neurodegenerative diseases remain unclear, protein pathological studies such as tau, synuclein and β- amyloid, and researches on functional neuroimaging and biomarkers have now become hot topics in the field of elderly dementia and movement disorders.
作者 朱明伟
出处 《中国实用内科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期475-479,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine
关键词 脑老化 阿尔茨海默病 帕金森病 brain aging Alzheimer's disease Parkinson's disease
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