
基于循证政策方法的我国公共资助研究成果开放存取政策制定 被引量:9

Developing China's Policy of Open Access to Publicly Funded Research: An Evidence-Based Approach
摘要 本文将循证政策方法引入到开放存取政策制定中,通过系统收集开放存取领域的相关证据,对其进行分级与分类,以此为依据,对是否制定开放存取政策,政策是自愿还是强制,以及开放存取的实现方式这三个关键的结构性问题进行证据综合。在此基础上,考虑中国的情境,初步得出我国开放存取政策的思路与框架:①制定国家层面的受公共资助研究成果的开放存取政策,并采取自顶而下的途径;②制定强制性的以自存档为主导的开放存取政策,并制定相应的惩罚性措施。本文展示了循证政策方法应用于开放存取政策制定的可行性,以及进一步深入利用的可能。 This paper applies evidence-based policy method into open access policy-making process. By collecting, grading and classifying open access related evidences, the authors addressed three critical structural issues through evidence synthesis. Based on the previous analysis, and by incorporating China's context, this research has obtained China's open access policy framework, which includes: 1)China should make national-level policy of open access to publicly funded research with a top- down pathway; 2) China should make mandatory self-archiving preference policy with corresponding punitive measures. This re- search shows the feasibility of applying the evidence-based policy method into open access policy-making and the possibility of further study. 1 fig. 2 tabs. 28 refs.
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期90-99,共10页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"我国学术信息资源开放存取政策研究"(项目编号:12YJC870033)的研究成果之一
关键词 开放存取 公共资助研究 自存档 循证政策方法 Open Access. Publicly funded research. Self-archiving. Evidence-based policy approach.
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