

The Influence of Shadow Reading on College Students' English Learning: A Perspective from Socio-cultural Theory
摘要 基于社会文化理论的视野,探讨影子阅读与大学生英语学习的关系。研究发现学习者在完成影子阅读任务的不同阶段呈现出不同的特点。交互阶段由完全模仿到选择性模仿,学习者经历着从机械跟读到有意义跟读的过渡;非交互式阶段由即时复述到延时复述,学习者体验着从意义跟读到认知发展的转型。延循影子阅读的两大阶段可不断实现学习者对最近发展区的超越,有效地促进大学生的英语学习。 From the perspective of socio-cultural theory, the relationship between shadow reading and college students' English learning is studied. The result shows that different features of shadow reading are revealed when college students put it into use. In interactional phase from complete shadowing to incomplete shadowing, students experience the transition from rote imitation to meaningful imitation. In non-interactional phase from immediate retelling to delayed retelling, students experience the transformation from meaningful retelling to cognitive development. Along with the two phases, students can go beyond the zone of proximal development. Generally shadow reading can effectively improve college students' English learning.
作者 陈效飞
出处 《黄山学院学报》 2014年第2期116-121,共6页 Journal of Huangshan University
基金 安徽省人文社会科学研究项目(2011sk418)
关键词 模仿 影子阅读 社会文化理论 英语学习 imitation shadow reading socio-cultural theory English learning
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