
教育均衡化与制度选择分析 被引量:4

Equalizing Educational Development and Institutional Choice
摘要 均衡化是我国义务教育改革的一项重要议题。政府作为此项改革的主导,试图改变过去市场体制下教育领域中出现的城乡非均衡、校际和班际差距过大、择校行为等问题。与上述改革措施相对应的制度选择是科层制,在解决问题的同时,却隐含着其他问题出现的可能。在对华北某县教育均衡化改革调查基础上,本文从规则与自由、统一性与多样化、存量与增量、限制择校与鼓励择校、社会静止与社会流动、差异的必然性与适度性等几个维度上,对于科层制制度选择进行了分析,并指出了其存在着政府干预过多、削弱学校组织能力、政治目的取代教育目的等僵硬性的制度特征。 Equalization is a challenging theme of reform for compulsory education in China. Some measures have been taken first in some pilot areas and recently spread out across whole country. Bureaucratic mechanism, in contrast to market mechanism, is assumed to be employed for this reform. The aim of the reform is to solve the problems such as: unequal educational development between urban and rural areas, significant disparities among schools and classes, school choice and injustice, low satisfaction of citizens on education and so forth. The bureaucracy mechanism creates some new problems while solving existing ones. Based on field work in a county in northern China, from several theoretical dimensions, this paper explores such potential issues as the interference from governments, weakening schools' organization competence, and educational aims replaced by political aims.
作者 阎凤桥
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期139-145,共7页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 教育均衡 择校 科层制 制度选择 equalizing education development school choice bureaucracy institutional choice
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