以T2120深孔钻镗床床身结构优化为例,利用ANSYS的APDL语言建立了T2120深孔钻镗床床身参数化的三维实体有限元模型;利用ANSYS中Block Lanczos方法对床身结构进行模态分析,得到了前5阶固有频率及前3阶低频振型;利用ANSYS中Design Opt模块,在基频约束情况下对床身结构的参数做了进一步的优化,获得了较为理想的机床床身结构尺寸。结果表明:在保证床身各种性能的前提下,床身优化后的质量比优化前减少了7.23%,同时表明APDL的使用,对加快分析进度、提高设计效率具有重要的指导意义。
A parameterized three-dimensional (3D)finite element model (FEM)of T2120 deep hole drilling and boring ma-chine tool body was established by using APDL language of ANSYS software that exampled to structure optimization of machine tool body. The modal analysis of the body structure was done by using Block Lanczos module of ANSYS,the first five stages of natural fre-quencies and the first three stages of low-frequency vibration mode were obtained. The optimization of structural parameters of the ma-chine tool body in the condition of fundamental frequency constraint was further enhanced by using Block Design Opt module of AN-SYS,and the ideal structure size of machine tool body was gotten. The result shows that the weight of machine tool body after optimiza-tion is decreased by 7.23%. Meanwhile it also shows that the use of APDL provides important guidance value to speed up the progress of the analysis and improve the efficiency of the design.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics