
小光斑激光雷达数据估测森林生物量研究进展 被引量:14

The Progress on Estimating Forest Biomass Using Small Footprint LiDAR Data
摘要 小光斑激光雷达可以直接获取森林的垂直和水平结构参数,因此广泛应用于森林树高、生物量和郁闭度等结构参数估计。本文主要分析小光斑激光雷达在森林生物量估测中的应用,根据研究尺度的不同,分别对小光斑激光雷达在单木、样方水平森林生物量的反演技术和方法进行详细分析,并对小光斑激光雷达与其他类型遥感数据进行融合,共同用于森林生物量研究的潜能进行阐述,通过对上述分析得出小光斑激光雷达用于森林生物量研究中存在的问题进行总结并对其未来的研究进行展望。 The small footprint LiDAR can directly access to forest vertical and horizontal structural parameters,therefore it is widely used to estimate the height,biomass,canopy density,and so on. In this paper,the application of LiDAR in forest biomass estimation was analyzed. According to different scales,the forest biomass inversion techniques and methods of single and plot level were analyzed in detail respectively. Then,the potential of the combination of small footprint LiDAR and other remote sensing data were elaborated. Based on the above analysis,the problems in the the application of small footprint LiDAR in forest biomass estimation were summarized and the prospect of the research direction was forecasted.
出处 《森林工程》 2014年第3期39-42,46,共5页 Forest Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金支撑项目(41171274) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金支撑项目(DL12EB07)
关键词 小光斑激光雷达 生物量 数据融合 small footprint LiDAR biomass data fusion
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