

Seven Interpretations of John Donne's Poem A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
摘要 约翰·邓恩的《告别辞:莫悲伤》是英国玄学派经典之作。该诗意象奇特,比喻形象,内涵丰富,夺人心魄,深层意义难以掘尽。其最大价值在于它适用于多种理论解读。对于该诗的认知因各家诗学观点不同而异。由于视角不同,形成了"横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同"的效果。形式主义、女性主义、解构主义、现代主义、生态主义、人文主义和新批评都对此有可话说,并且各有道理,都对邓恩诗歌解读注入新鲜活力,开阔读者视野,还能启发各种认知诗学在诗歌解读方面的创新与使用。 John Donne' s poem A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning is considered to be the classic work of the Metaphysical school in England. This poem is full of peculiar images, vivid metaphors, rich content and deep meanings which are difficult to comprehend completely. However, its greatest value is that this poem can be interpreted in light of a variety of theories. Different poetic perspectives lead to different comprehensions of this poem, the phenomenon of which is described in a Chinese poetry "The mountain is a range seen horizontally, a peak seen sideways. It varies when seen from different points, high or low or far or near. " All the theories of formalism, feminism, deconstruction, modernism, ecologism, humanism, new-criticism can be used to interpret this poem and each makes sense. The application of those theories will inject fresh vitality to the poem' s interpretation, broaden readers' horizon and also inspire the use and innovation of cognitive poetics in the poem' s interpretation.
作者 李正栓 刘姣
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2014年第2期27-31,共5页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 邓恩 玄学派诗歌 《告别辞 莫悲伤》 七种解读 John Donne metaphysical poetry A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning seven interpretations
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