针对三维透视投影视图中对三维物体表面纹理直接进行喷绘 ,以获得复杂纹理图这一计算机图形交互技术这一新问题 ,研究了一种将纹理图的象素位置信息转换成彩色信息 ,然后利用纹理映射将纹理坐标连同该点上的颜色值一起传递到与屏幕象素对应的可见点上的方法 ,其中颜色值依该点处的入射光线方向和表面法向被进一步转换为光强值 ,而纹理坐标则被解码后还原成与该可见点对应的纹理坐标 ,被存入信息缓冲器中 ,供以后使用 ,通过解码 ,可根据屏幕点直接得到对应纹理象素点的坐标 ,经过算法优化 ,实现了对三维物体表面纹理的实时喷绘 ;同时阐述了在三维图象生成技术中使用附加纹理信息的应用实例以及相关定义 .
Directly painting textures on top of 3D objects in 3D perspective viewport is a new issue of Human Computer Interface (HCI).This paper presents a method to solve this issue.It converts the position information of the texture pixels of texture map into color information,and then transfers both the coordinates and the color of texture pixels into screen through texture mapping at the same time.Only is the color information of texture pixels converted into illumination by calculating the normal and the angle of ray incidence of the screen pixel in the method.The texture coordinates are firstly converted into the color information by generating another texture map,which is called information Map whose pixels' color represents the coordinates information.And then the corresponding texture coordinates are mapped into screen reference frame by texture mapping and stored into information buffer for later use.So we can obtain the texture coordinates of screen pixels correspondingly by decoding from information buffer.After optimizing,we can paint textures on top of 3D objects in 3D perspective viewport in real time.The paper also gives some examples and related definitions of using additional information of 2D texture map for 3D graph generating.
Journal of Image and Graphics
国防预研基金项目!( 97J6.8.3 .KG0 12 2 )