
知识生产模式转型与产学研合作模式发展 被引量:4

The Transformation of Knowledge Production Mode and the Development of Production-Study-Research Cooperative Mode
摘要 经济时代的到来,给经济增长方式带来机遇和挑战的同时,知识生产方式本身也发生着巨大的变化。产学研合作的基础是知识生产,目的是为了知识创新。因此,在知识生产模式发生嬗变的背景下,产学研合作在理念、模式等方面也应进行调整和创新,探讨知识生产模式转型与产学研合作模式的关系,有利于我国在新时代下产学研合作的有序高效发展。 The advent of the economy era not only brings oppor-tunities and challenges to the styles of economic increase, but al-so greatly changes the styles of knowledge production. The basis of production-study research cooperation is knowledge produc-tion, and its aim is knowledge innovation, therefore, in the back-ground of the transformation of knowledge production mode, ad-justments and innovations should also be made in the concept and mode of production-study-research cooperation. To explore the relationship between the transformation of knowledge pro-duction mode and production-study-research cooperative mode is conducive to the orderly and efficient development of produc-tion-study-research cooperation in the new times.
作者 高晓声
出处 《科教文汇》 2014年第16期37-37,59,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 武汉理工大学自主创新课题"知识生产模式转型与产学研合作模式创新研究"(项目编号:2013-Ib-054)
关键词 知识生产模式 产学研合作 模式1 模式2 knowledge production mode production-study-re-search cooperation mode 1 mode 2
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