外源1 O2 和·OH处理继代培养 1 4d的烟草愈伤组织 2 4h后 ,愈伤组织内的交替途径的实际运行显著上升 ,但对交替途径容量影响不大 ;而经·OH处理后的愈伤组织交替途径容量和实际运行均明显地受到抑制 ,但交替途径的实际运行对·OH更加敏感。活性氧产生系统中加入相关清除剂进行实验 ,得到与此相对应的结果 :1 O2 的清除剂His处理能明显地降低或抑制1 O2 所增加的交替途径实际运行量 ,但对交替途径容量则几乎均无影响 ,而用·OH的清除剂DMSO和MAN分别处理愈伤组织后 ,DMSO和MAN均能解除·OH对交替途径容量和实际运行的抑制。这些结果表明 ,1 O2 诱导烟草愈伤组织交替途径的实际运行 ,但对其容量的作用不大 ,而·OH则明显地抑制交替途径容量和实际运行。推测1 O2
In tobacco ( Nicotiana rustica L. Gansu Yellow Flower) callus, addition of exogenous 1O 2 induced a pronounced increase in the operation activity of alternative respiratory pathway without affecting its capacity. The operation activity of alternative pathway activated by 1O 2 can be abolished by its scavenger (His). Exogenous ·[KG-3]OH diminished the operation activity and capacity of alternative pathway, which could be recovered by the addition of ·[KG-3]OH scavengers, such as DMSO or MAN. These observations suggest that 1O 2 is involved in some way in the activating the alternative pathway, but not in the induction of the capacity of alternative pathway; but ·OH can suppress both the actual operation activity and capacity of alternative pathway remarkably. We deduced that 1O 2 and ·OH might affect the alternative pathway by regulating the activity of the alternative oxidase. [WT5”HZ]